Food Fascists: GMO and Pesticide Manufacturers Down and Dirty

By, Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD August 12, 2014 After decades of rearing hogs, Danish farmer IbBorup Pedersen was alarmed at the growing incidence of malformations and biological defects among his newborn piglets. Deformities included gaps in piglets’ skulls, deformed bones, missing limbs and even a female piglet with testicles. Never having witnessed such large numbers of deformed pigs …

Iatrogenic Illness: The Downside of Modern Medicine

By, Gary Null Ph.D. February 1, 2010   During the past century, a medical establishment has evolved that has made itself the exclusive provider of so-called scientific, evidence-based therapies. The paradigm used by this establishment is what we call the orthodox medical approach, and for the first 70 years of this century, little effort was made to challenge it. In …

The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex: A Deadly Fairy Tale

By, Doug Henderson and  Dr.Gary Null October 20, 2009 It has been a particularly bad month for the pharmaceutical industrial complex in its ongoing litigations in American courts. Among the main pharmaceutical headlines, Merck’s Gardasil vaccine for HPV, now being widely administered to pre-teens, was found to be linked to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease; following …

Arm Yourself Against the Flu – But Not with the Flu Shot!

 By, Gary Null, PhD   It is fall and another flu season is upon us. The CDC’s big marketing claim about the flu vaccine emphasizes repeatedly that “36,000 Americans die of flu each year.”   But is this true? A 2005 study from the British Medical Journal debunks this figure by revealing two things: first, the number is not based in …

Flu Vaccine-Related Miscarriages May Outnumber Swine Flu Deaths

By, Dr. Gary Null February 12, 2010 Lucy was having a normal, healthy pregnancy without any complications until she received the H1N1 vaccination. On a pregnancy support website, she commented, “I should be 11 weeks pregnant today. I had an appointment with my OB/GYN and was told (from info of ultrasound) that my baby stopped growing on the exact day …

Bill Gates’ Project Tycho and Vaccine Voodoo

By, Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null December 16, 2013   Population cohort and ecologic studies have become today’s norm for determining vaccine efficacy and support the belief that vaccination has safely reduced the spread of infectious diseases and saved millions of lives. Never a gold standard for scientific inquiry, population studies now make up the bulk of vaccine advocates’ …

A New Flu Season of Pain, Profit and Politics

By, Dr. Gary Null and Richard Gale November 15, 2013   According to all official health reports, we are now fully in flu season. It is that time of year when public health officials, physicians pediatricians and pharmacists warn that everyone over 6 months of age should protect themselves and get vaccinated. Most Americans, believing the government’s propaganda about the …

Why Does the American Academy of Pediatrics Put Corporate Profits Ahead of Children’s Health?

By, Gary Null and Richard Gale December 19th, 2012   The United Nation recently announced that its Fifth Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee session, scheduled for January 2013, would propose a binding treaty to ban ethylmercury (commonly known as thimerosal) from all medications and vaccines worldwide. This is welcome news. But it has laid bare the battle lines between those government health …

National Public Radio Sells its Soul to Big Pharma

By, Gary Null, PhD and Richard Gale Febuary 19th, 2010   The American public is confused. They no longer know who or what to believe concerning the efficacy and safety of the H1N1 flu vaccine and, by extension, all vaccines. We have been told vaccines are not only effective and safe but are absolutely necessary to prevent widespread epidemics. Those …

Death by Vaccination: The Gates Foundation and the New Eugenics

By, Richard Gale  and Dr. Gary Null September 22, 2010   While lecturing at the elitist TED 2010 conference in Long Beach, CA, Bill Gates slipped a statement while speaking on the dangers of climate change and over population: “Vaccines? I love them.” His admission was made in the context of his philanthropic strategy and, as we will see, vaccines …