Chomsky And Others Put Forward ‘Ideas For Going Forward’ In This Crisis-Ridden World

The world is facing a Titanic moment. Either humanity comes together as one and save the Mother Ship Earth or we go down without a trace! The major crises we face are ecological crisis manifested in global warming/climate change, soil degradation, water crisis, over all environmental damage, war perpetrated by predatory capitalism which could eventually lead to a nuclear winter, resource crisis, health, education and economic crisis etc. Race/caste and gender/sexuality justice are other major issues that need urgent attention. A group of intellectuals including Noam Chomsky, academics and activists have come forward with a document called “Some Possible Ideas For Going Forward”. The document states at the outset,

We hope this document can help inspire more conversations within groups and movements that, over time, come to a synthesis. We do this in the spirit of self organization – and as a rejection of preformed inflexible programs and agendas imposed on activists from above. We believe only program that is fully understood and owned by grassroots participants can win lasting change. 

The document puts forward ‘Economic Programmatic Ideas’, ‘Education Programmatic Ideas’, ‘Race Programmatic Ideas’, ‘Gender/Kinship Programmatic Ideas’, ‘International Relations Programmatic Ideas’, ‘Health Programmatic Ideas’ and ‘Ecology Programmatic Ideas’. The document calls for “energy innovations, and steps to reduce global warming and mitigate its impact, and, in general, policy to preserve the ecology.”

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