Progressive Radio Network


Coca-Cola Caught Paying ‘Health Leaders’ to Say Soda is ‘Healthy Snack’

Would you like a healthy dose of high-fructose corn syrup with that organic salad? If you’re listening to one of the ‘health experts’ on the payroll of Coca-Cola, this suggestion could in fact be a reality. According to a new report, many health writers, bloggers, and spokespeople are being compensated in order to push toxic soda onto the public as a health drink.

The news comes as somewhat of a shock, only due to the severity of these claims. We’ve known for quite some time that many bloggers are, oftentimes quite obviously, paid off by mega food corporations to spit out propaganda into Google and other search engines in order to divert attention away from more negative stories. In fact, some companies are paying millions to ‘clean up’ their food image on the web.

After all, it’s disconcerting to see results regarding the deadly effects of high-fructose corn syrup (which has recently been renamed) when searching about information on Coca-Cola’s many effects on the body.

Released by the Associated Press, a new report has been made public regarding the deep relationship between beverage giant Coca-Cola and the numerous ‘health experts’ who recently suggested that drinking Coke could be part of a ‘healthy diet.’ Best of all, this was in celebration of American Heart Month in February. From the report:

“In February, several of the experts wrote online posts for American Heart Month, with each including a mini-can of Coke or soda as a snack idea. The pieces — which appeared on nutrition blogs and other sites including those of major newspapers — offer a window into the many ways food companies work behind the scenes to cast their products in a positive light, often with the help of third parties who are seen as trusted authorities.”

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