Progressive Radio Network


Colorado Celebrates Legalization Anniversary: Massive Drop in Arrests and Millions in Tax Revenue

More than three years have passed since Colorado residents voted to legalize marijuana, which immediately allowed adults to possess and cultivate limited amounts of marijuana. This past New Year’s Day marked the two year anniversary[3] of adults being able to legally buy marijuana in Colorado.  The policy is still in its formative stage, but the first year after marijuana sales [4] started in Colorado went very well and we continue to see the good shape of things to come.

The destruction imagined by opponents of legalization in 2012 never came true and is unlikely to materialize.  Public safety benchmarks are under scrutiny in a manner never seen under prohibition and there is no real cause for panic in the foreseeable future. In short, the current state of legalization is more reflective of the world imagined by proponents – legalization works!

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