Conspiracy Guy Show #39: In Phoenix last night, Donald Trump lashed out at the media for publishing “fake news” and failing to provide the public with accurate and timely information about even the most serious events. Coverage of Charlottesville affords a perfect illustration, where video studies have established that there were two cars, two drives and two takes–one involving one car, the other three–and that the whole event was contrived by the Mayor of Charlottesville and the Governor of Virginia, using Black Lives Matter and Antifa–the self-proclaimed “anti-fascist” organization that adopts the techniques of fascism–where George Soros appears to be using tactics of a kind with those that were used to take out the democratically-elected government of Ukraine. The hysteria has led to the demand that monuments to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Robert E. Lee be removed. Obama is reported to be furious that an historian has reveals his ancestors had slaves, which was also the case for the Prophet Mohammed. We know the “Russian hacking” claims that led to the appointment of a Special Counsel, to new sanctions on Russia, and (beginning today) to barring Russians from traveling to the United States–which historically has been regarded as an act of war–had no foundation, where VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity) have confirmed that the files were downloaded to a memory stick from the DNC servers and then uploaded with “Russian fingerprints” to support a false narrative, which has us on the verge of a nuclear war with Russia. So many cases of concealment of truth by the media have taken place–including with regard to JFK, 9/11, Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing and (now) Charlottesville that Trump has a powerful case. We were even played about the moon landing, where a Chinese lunar rover has found on trace of American moon landings. The “conspiracy theories” have been right.