Progressive Radio Network

The Conspiracy Guy

The Conspiracy Guy - 09.06.17

Conspiracy Guy Show #41: The hysteria over North Korea appears to be out of proportion to the threat posed, even though it seems to be making remarkable progress in nuclear technology in a brief span of time. Tough talk from the US pits it against South Korea, which prefers diplomacy to war. Putin expresses legitimate concern that overreactions may led to catastrophic loss of life as an outcome. Historic rainfall from Hurricane Harvey has led experts to speculate that it was a manufactured event, where it turns out that the US has been engaged in weather modification efforts since 1947. Retaliation by the US to having to remove 750 diplomats and their families from Russia by requiring Russia to depart from its Consulate in San Francisco and two other locations suggests overly aggressive responses by the White House, especially since the Russians were acting in response to sanctions imposed on the basis of non-existent “Russian hacking”, which continues to be a topic of discussion the major networks, despite having been shown to have no basis in fact. NEWSWEEK makes the indefensible allegation that the Boston bombing was inspired by Russia, for which there exists massive disproof, where the case was cracked by the alt media the day of the event has having been staged and carried out with the assistance of Craft International personnel using bombs in black nylon backpacks, which neither of the brothers (who were not even present at the time) were shown as wearing in images that were photoshopped in. And the latest research from Charlottesville reveals that the drastic measures proposed in response–from the UN, SPLC, Salon and other worthy sources are reactions to yet another staged and fabricated event.

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