The Conspiracy Guy – 11.22.17

Conspiracy Guy Show #52: At last, on the 54th observance of the assassination of JFK, we now have stunning new proof that The Warren Report (1964) was a sham, that Lee Oswald was innocent and that he was framed by proofs that appear to leave no room for doubt. We have determined that the body in autopsy photographs published in The Killing of a President (1994) by Robert Groden are  not of the body of JFK; that new research has confirmed that the man in the doorway, whom many have suspected was Lee Oswald, was indeed Lee Oswald; and that the backyard photographs used to frame him were taken with a Dallas Police Officer, Roscoe White, as his body-double. That the case has been so hard to solve has been because the media and the government were taking for granted that the official narrative was accurate, when even NBC that day was reporting that JFK has sustained a wound to the throat and a wound to the head (entering the right temple), both of which had been fired from in front. When you combine those reports with the conclusion of the FBI and the Secret Service that he had been hit in the back, that Connally had been hit in the back and that JFK had been hit in the back of the head, the four wounds that he sustained–to the back (from behind); to the throat (from in front); and to the head (from behind and from the right/front), all four were reported to the public, where the Warren Commission had to take great pains to obfuscate the true causes of his death, which extended to massive revision of the home movies. Check out my blog, “JFK: Bethesda Autopsy Photos not JFK / Oswald Framed, Warren Report a Sham”, for the details. Link:


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