Progressive Radio Network

Law Enforcement

Cops in this Small Town have 35,000 Open Arrest Warrants, That’s 26 Warrants per Citizen!

If you want to know what a corrupt police state of revenue collecting, citation addicted bureaucrats look like, look in Missouri.

A recent report showed that there were 23,457 arrest warrants pending in Pine Lawn Municipal Court in St. Louis County. That’s about 7.3 per resident. However, Pine Lawn is far from the worst. The town of Country Club Hills has over 35,000 outstanding arrest warrants, or a mind blowing 26.9 per resident.

The vast majority of these warrants are for what St. Louis residents have come to call “poverty violations.” Poverty violations are “crimes” that have no victim and are designed to generate revenue for the state. They are things like driving with a suspended license, expired plates, expired registration and a failure to provide proof of insurance.

A $200 ticket for an expired registration could mean that you either feed your children for two weeks or spend a week in jail. Many folks find themselves on the lower end of the socioeconomic scale and are unable to contribute to the state’s revenue collection scheme; they are subsequently classified as criminals.

There are so many ridiculous ways for the state to collect money that even police officers are unable to keep up with them all. But that doesn’t stop the cops from enforcing them.

One such arbitrary law designed for revenue collection is issuing citations for vehicle registration information that is incorrect.

Meet officer Jerry Dowel, a Country Club Hills police officer who is still on the streets, patrolling the same neighborhood where he’s accused of threatening to harm his landlord.

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