In August, a 27-year-old female prostitute and her 75-year-old john were charged in Oklahoma City for public lewdness. They were caught engaging in a clandestine tryst in the gentleman’s Ford F-150 pickup truck on a deserted country road. At first glance the incident might appear as just another sex-crime bust, but looking at how the perpetrators were apprehended reveals how the surveillance state is spreading though society.
A do-gooder, Brian Bates, a self-promoting “video vigilante” out to halt local prostitution, caught the two culprits on video. Bates operates and been exposing illicit sexual goings-on for nearly two decades. Like a bad cop show, Bates followed the couple in his car and, hiding a block away, deployed a drone, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with a camera, to capture images of the couple engaged in their dastardly deed.