Progressive Radio Network


Deformed Daisies Found Near Fukushima Allegedly Caused by “Hormonal Imbalance”

Four years after the meltdown of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in Japan, photos are making the rounds on the Internet of frighteningly deformed daisies in Nasushiobara City, just 70 miles from the facility. At least some in the mainstream media are leaving out important details about the cause of the flowers’ defects.

A resident of Nasushiobara City tweeted out the photos on Twitter with the following caption that was translated into English by Fukushima Diary:

“The right one grew up, split into 2 stems to have 2 flowers connected each other, having 4 stems of flower tied beltlike. The left one has 4 stems grew up to be tied to each other and it had the ring-shaped flower.”

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