Progressive Radio Network


Dr Ludwig Watzal - Hillary Clinton – A Specter Haunting The Entire World

The Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, still gets high marks at least in Europe, compared to the Republican candidate Donald Trump, demonized by corporate media because of his outlandish remarks about Muslims, women, the wall with Mexico, and other bizarre statements he had made. Despite Trump’s crude political opinions, he has many followers among predominantly white Americans. He portrays himself as a valiant campaigner against the Washington set that, as he sees it, stands for corruption and wickedness. He can be considered a wild maverick.

Donald Trump, compared to Hillary Clinton, has at least a clean political record. If he has financial skeletons in his closet, the corporate media on Clinton’s side will certainly waive these around. A few days ago, the FBI saved her neck by refusing to bring charges against Hillary Clinton, although, as Secretary of State she has handled her entire e-mail traffic, including top secret documents, via her private server. A day before FBI Director James Comey stated that Hillary Clinton had behaved in a “highly careless” manner, her husband Bill, former U.S. President, met Attorney General Loretta Lynch privately at the airport in Phoenix, Arizona  – allegedly by accident – to discuss this affair. The Justice Department thereafter decided not to charge her.

On 5 July 2016, the website counterpunch carried a radio interview with John Pilger,[1] a renowned Australian journalist, author and filmmaker based in the United Kingdom. He figures among the most prominent critics of US imperialism. Pilger had nothing positive to say about Hillary Clinton. The following is a brief summary of John Pilger’s opinion on Hillary Clinton’s, representing an important voice within the anti-imperialist left.

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