You will be astonished by what you learn from my guest, Commander (R) Mary Neal Vieten PhD. She is the Founder and Director of WarFighter Advance, the best program in the world for the treatment of returning soldiers suffering from war trauma. It is a model for everything good in how to help people in emotional and physical distress. Their drug-free, non-medical education and training approach starts with one very intensive week with professional and peer follow up. It is enormously successful, helping nearly everyone come off drugs and live a better life. Talking with Dr. Vieten on the show leads me to give a heartfelt analysis of just how bad psychiatric treatment has become. I say it outright: Psychiatrists are among the most stupid people on Earth about human nature and human life. We discuss how psychiatry needs to be replaced by innovative, caring programs like WarFighter Advance. You will be inspired and informed by Dr. Vieten, by WarFighter Advance, and by the show. Note: Dr. Breggin misspoke when he said Dr. Vieten’s tours of duty were in Iraq.