Progressive Radio Network

LOA Daily

The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 03.14.19

An absolutely amazing show with guest and friend Pam Popper, physician and nutritionist, as we discuss our reactions on returning from the recent conference in Denmark inaugurating Peter Gøtzsche’s brand new Institute for Scientific Truth.  I conceived of the Institute and conference to bolster Peter’s morale after I learned that he was coming under such heavy attack from the European medical and scientific establishment that he would probably lose his academic and medical positions, as he eventually did.  The conference was a great event and clearly re-inspired Peter.  Pam and I made enthusiastically-received presentations and many attendees were there to hear us in particular.  Every speaker turned over new scientific rocks with creepy crawly evildoers crawling beneath.  The corruption is mind-boggling.   In the service of big government and big industry, bad science everywhere pushes out good science.  On the radio, Pam and I have a cutting edge, robust and at times truly remarkable conversation ranging over corruption throughout all the medical sciences down to some mind-bending specifics surrounding the vaccine controversy.   Many of our observations were surprising and enlightening to me.  It was so good we didn’t stop to take callers.  With all the dismal stuff, the show was fun!

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