Progressive Radio Network

Dr. Peter Breggin Hour

The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 04.03.19

A very challenging show, with my brilliant and enthusiastic guest Jeanne Stolzer, PhD., an award-winning teacher. It is filled with unorthodox but scientific ideas that do not yield to political correctness.  About the differences between women and men built into our bodies by physical evolution, passed on by our genes, and then affected by family and society and our own individuality.  How these differences were used by men in very recent millennia to develop patriarchal societies that enforce the subjugation of women.  But how, on the other hand, the reflexive rejection of these actual biological and evolutionary differences between men and women has been especially harmful to boys and men in recent decades, disempowering and intimidating them.   Is masculinity now a “disease” as the American Psychological Association says, and what does such a concept do to boys and men? How women of course have a right and ought to be free of patriarchy and also to reject traditional roles, but what can society do to support those women who do want to be the primary caretakers of their children?  What are the consequences of not nursing a child and not providing a constant, loving caretaker in the early years of life?    You are not likely to hear a discussion remotely like this anywhere else, making this a unique and important hour of conversation that is critical to all our lives and to where society is going.  It simply would not be permitted at most universities or in the media.


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