Probably my most impassioned discussion of The Psychiatric Abuse of Children with guest psychotherapist Michael Cornwall, PhD adding experience and grounding, as well as wisdom. And we introduce my first major reform project in years, to be directed by Michael through our nonprofit Center for the Study of Empathic Therapy. The FDA has approved using a TENS machine called Monarch to delivery electrical “stimulation” to the frontal lobes of children to treat ADHD. It is actually electrical disruption of normal brain function. I stumble on air trying to find words horrific enough to describe the size of the danger to children. The current is applied every night, all night, to the entirely normal brains of children 8 to 12 years old with no apparent limit on for how many months or years of treatment. Now that it’s FDA approved, Monarch can e legally used on any and all children at the doctor’s whim. The FDA required only a single 4-week long study to approve this gross intrusion to the highest centers of the normal brain. Only 62 children were studied and only half of them got the treatment. It’s a tiny experimental group without replication by a second study. Meanwhile, the manufacturer is intent on a year or more of electrifying the children every night, but its 12-month study utterly failed. All but three children and families quit the study before it was scheduled to end. We are talking about a potentially disastrous tsunami of psychiatric abuse of children, spilling over onto adults. Michael Cornwall and I tell you about our new organization that this atrocity has inspired. It’s called Stop the Psychiatric Abuse of Children! or SPAC! We invite you to join SPAC! And we invite you to help us stop this latest psychiatrist abuse of children.