Progressive Radio Network

Dr. Peter Breggin Hour

The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 07.27.18

My guest is product liability attorney Steve Sheller.  Steve is unquestionably one of the strongest, most effective and most feared attorneys in the world—a threat of giant proportions to unscrupulous drug companies.   In a fast-moving show, we focused on the horrific nefarious activities of the drug company J & J (Johnson & Johnson) and its subsidiary Janssen, as well as the drug industry in general.  The issues ranged from J & J’s Risperdal causing tardive dyskinesia as well as enlarged breasts in boys to their infamous talcum powder causing ovarian cancer.   We looked at how drug company money spreads corruption throughout society.  We explored the government interventions that seem necessary, including finally sending drug company executives to jail when they are proven to have committed criminal activities.      Ironically, when I got off the radio, I opened an email from the journal JAMA Psychiatry, and at the top is an advertisement for a fake science conference, “Advances in the Neurobiology of Mental Illness,” presented by the New York Academy of Sciences.  It is sponsored by Janssen and by Johnson & Johnson.  What a fearful sight: Janssen and its parent company J & J collaborating with the NY Academy of Sciences and the AMA’s psychiatric journal.   Even the billions of dollars that Steve has caused them to forfeit has not stopped the drug companies.  The Pharmaceutical Empire has made itself  unstoppable–for now, anyway.

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