Progressive Radio Network

Dr. Peter Breggin Hour

The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 10.10.18

Today my guest is psychiatrist Penar Miski, MD.  In a longer than usual intro, I share many exciting events including the settlement of an important ECT suit. I also describe another settlement of a tardive dyskinesia (TD) case.  TD is the dreadful disorder of abnormal movements caused by antipsychotic drugs, which often masquerade as antidepressants, bipolar drugs, mood stabilizers and even sleeping aids.  Penar is the wonderful psychiatrist who teaches my on-line course Why and How to Stop Taking Psychiatric Drugs which starts up again in January.  It’s very intensive, covering many of my most important ideas and research.  Pinar and I also talk about two shorter courses I’ll be presenting through Pam Popper’s Wellness Form Health, one a consumer guide to drug withdrawal and another about how people can help themselves and each other.  I’m cosponsoring Pam’s annual conference in Columbus, Ohio, November 9-11, 2018, which is open to the public.   You can get information on how to personally contact her about the conference or the courses on the show and on my website,  Remember, you can listen to The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour every Wednesday 4-5 PM New York Time and you can call-in to chat with us live every show by phoning anywhere in the world to 888-874-4888.


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