Will Earth Acupuncture save us?
Our planet is being ruined by a reckless society. What can we do? Gail Rex is an acupuncturist and decided to perform Earth Acupuncture at the Indian Point Nuclear Plant to help the earth calm down as it sits on an earthquake fault. (Strange place to build a nuclear plant) Gail Rex has written the book, “Earth Acupuncture, Healing the Living Landscape“. Listen to this important interview with Gail about her work on the land close to the Indian Point Power Plant and what it means to heal the earth. If there’s an earthquake under this nuclear plant, it could send plumes of radiation in many directions including New York City.  The impact would be overwhelming. Perhaps the acupuncture Gail has done will calm this land enough so the earthquake faults will remain harmless. This kind of work can be done by others at other locations and maybe we can really make Mother Earth happy and have a much more peaceful planet to support us.