Progressive Radio Network

Energy Stew

Energy Stew - Garnet Schulhauser - 03.11.16

Do you have your astral travel map?
Astral travel has infinite destinations so a map can only show you where you’ve been and not where you might go.
Garnet Schulhauser has traveled to places it’s hard to even imagine and he writes about them in his books.
His latest book and interviews are extremely fascinating and open you up to realities and conditions that are important to learn about.
For those of us who don’t astral travel, it’s hard to imagine what it’s like or even to believe it exists.
Putting your own beliefs aside, Garnet‘s books are so full of greater wisdom and possibilities that to not enjoy the ride is missing out on much wonder.
I’m in his camp and am divinely inspired by the stories he collects from his travels.  A lot of people have astral traveled and also have great experiences to bring home. Garnet is assisted by a spirit named Albert who comes for him and introduces him around the Universe.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about his adventures and the wonderful insights he shares.
His new book is “Dance of Heavenly Bliss” and his first two were, “Dancing on a Stamp” and “Dancing Forever with Spirit“.