EXCLUSIVE: Why SB 277 will totally backfire on the vaccine industry and uncover the truth about vaccine science fraud by Mike Adams

One of the reasons vaccine propagandists are so cognitively impaired is because they’ve all been partially brain damaged by the very same vaccines they keep pushing on everyone else. As a result, not a single one of them had yet come to realize how they’ve painted themselves into a corner with SB 277.

In fact, SB 277 will disastrously backfire on the vaccine industry, and YOU can help make sure it doesn’t get covered up when it happens. Here’s how:

Starting in 2016, the vaccination rate among California public schools will be virtually 100%. This, we are sternly told by professional vaccine propagandists, will halt all outbreaks of all disease. That’s what vaccines do, after all, right? They stop outbreaks of infectious disease.

But readers of Natural News and other intelligent, independent new media publishers are already well aware that most infectious disease outbreaks occur among children who are already vaccinated! The pharma-controlled false narrative that “unvaccinated children are spreading disease” is just a marketing lie designed to convince more parents to pay for more vaccines. In truth, it’s the vaccinated children who are shedding viruses and spreading disease among each other — the kids who have weakened immune systems that have been suppressed by all the toxic chemicals intentionally added to vaccines (mercury, aluminum, MSG, formaldehyde, etc).

Now here’s the kicker: When disease outbreaks start to occur this year in California’s public schools, those outbreaks will be happening among children who are nearly 100% vaccinated! There will no longer be a minority of “unvaccinated” children to blame for the outbreaks.

And what we will all be witnessing is scientific proof that vaccines routinely FAIL.

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