Expat Files – 02.03.17

Descriptions: for THE EXPAT FILES SHOW #630, 02-03-2017 (FRI):

#1- Making a vehicle purchase at a car lot. You will probably need a car sooner or later. Generally a new car is not recommended in Latin America. Unless you don’t mind repeated dings and scratches, provided you are not finicky, and as long as your new vehicle is a common, non-luxury model and doesn’t stand out from the others on the road….

#2- Suddenly there’s brand new Latin government tax form that must be filled out by buyers of large items like houses, cars, businesses, boats or land. Today we have the scoop on the latest Latin Big Brother effort that was surely instigated by your evil Uncle Sam. It appears to be aimed directly at curbing Latin govt corruption and Narco money laundering, even sounds reasonable at first glance, but is it really gonna help? Is it just another failed effort that will simply place another useless layer on top of already lard-assed Latin bureocracies? Duh? Take a guess…

#3- Is Belize your permanent Expat “Plan B” destination? Well here are Ten solid new reasons to stay clear of the place. Sure it’s nice to visit- with plenty of sun, fun, white sand beaches, scuba, snorkel and water-sports galore- but after this report you’ll probably scratch it off your “Plan B” list.…

#4- A few words about blending in and getting comfortable in your new Latin America shoes. That’s the object isn’t it? Though it’s a mistake to continually try to maintain a solid 1st world existence and attitude while in Latin America, its just as crazy to try to go rustic or “native” and tr to hang out with people who live in shacks with dirt floors. The best solution by far is to have a foot in both worlds and remain flexible. That’s the key and that’s when that famous Latin “happiness factor” really kicks in.

#5- Jot down Saturday, July 8th thru Thursday, July 13th, 2017. Those are the dates for my next EXPAT INSIDER SEMINAR. Get on the early-bird mailing list by sending an email to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com

#6- Johnny’s new “Expat Essentials Course” is a blueprint for your “Plan B”. The best way to get kick-started before coming to Latin America. Come see the three video intros to the “Expat Essentials” course at www.ExpatPlanB.com

#7-Try our “Podcast by Phone” feature. Listen to the last FIVE Expat Files programs over the phone by dialing: 1-701-719-0893


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