Progressive Radio Network


Expat Files - 02.11.18

Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #733- SUN, FEB 11- (02-11-2018):
 #1- A group of smart Latinos have discovered there’s “sure thing” money in giving cryptocurrency seminars. You wouldn’t believe how popular these things are. Everyone wants to get in on the so-called “easy money”. Yup like the old California gold rush days of the 1900’s, the guys that made consistent dough weren’t the miners but the ones that sold the picks and shovels.
#2- A sad expose’ on lower class Latin macho men. Specifically the bad manners and habits they bring along with them when they enter the USA
#3- EMP risks: what might happen in Latin America if the power grid goes down.
#4 -Solar power system sizing in Latin America. It all depends whether you’re living in a beach house, the lowlands or in the altiplano. In each case there are a variety of calculations and not-so-obvious details to consider.
#5- More “boots on the ground” tips to consider when going solar and off-the-grid in Latin America
#6- Today we describe a few surprisingly common errors in Latin building construction and techniques that most gringos and expats don’t find out about until it’s too late
#7- Set up a one-on-one personal Phone/SKYPE consult with Johnny by first downloading the “Plan B” consult/questionnaire at:
#8- Johnny’s new “Expat Essentials Course” is a blueprint for your “Plan B” and the best way kick-start your plan before getting boots on the ground in Latin America. See the intro video to the course now at
#9- Check out my “The Expat Files” You Tube channel. See all the fun slides and photos that go along with each show. There are now more than 150 shows posted on my YouTube channel so have a look.
#10- For more of Johnny’s reports, comments, adventures, news, surprises the famous “Expat Concierge Service” and more, check out