Progressive Radio Network

Expat Files

Expat Files - 03.08.15

-The strange relationship between dogs and coconuts
-Cockroach, “La Cucaracha” home invasions revisited. A new, expat gringa’s cautionary tale of her personal arthropodic woes
-Meanwhile one of our Expat Wisdom seminar alumni explains the new e-book he has written regarding his extensive “boots on the ground” experience and investigation of Spanish schools, Spanish tutors and Immersion families. Looks like it could be required reading for expat wannabees/ gonnabees with the idea of learning or improving their Spanish while in Central America
-There happens to be an outrageously successful Latin American TV series and mega-hit movie out of Colombia(in Spanish of course) totally unknown to people up in the first-world- though down here it has become a guilty pleasure for many, many expats both male and female. The title, “Sin tetas, no hay paradise.” English translation: “Without tits, there is no paradise.”
With a name like that, is there any wonder in Colombia, and in most other Latin countries, it’s the most watched program of all time? Then what’s it about? well its a stark, sad, true story of neighborhood narcos and the poor girls in the barrio who will do anything for plastic surgery. Definitely not a comedy…             
LATIN AMERICAN SEMINAR NOTICE: If you’re interested in attending the next, week-long, Latin American Expat Wisdom seminar (and to get in on the early-bird discount) send an email to th***********@gm***.com or jo****@ex*********.com. The next adventure will likely take place in the second week of July, 2015.
SCHEDULING A PHONE OR SKYPE CONSULT WITH JOHNNY: Follow the link on the main page at to sort your plans, thoughts and ideas on living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America.