Progressive Radio Network

Expat Files

Expat Files - 04.19.15

-We’ve been getting conflicting reports on the situation in Argentina. Some long term expats living there say it’s deteriorating rather slowly while others say its in the fast lane heading for a nearby cliff. Some say its heaven and other say hell. The answer all depends if one is flush with US dollars or stuck dealing day to day with the local peso. Though all agree there has to be an all-out economic calamity of sorts, what with a 40% yearly inflation rate and near general prohibition of US dollar use. Even if Argentina faces somewhat the same fate as Venezuela (they’ve been through it many times before) it’s still a land of opportunity for expats … but not for the inexperienced or faint of heart. At least for now, it can be recommended only for more adventurous chance-taker expats- and of course the wealthy folks who can buffer themselves in exclusive areas far from the maddening crowds. Note, they’re getting madder and madder by the day.
Drones in Latin America: glimpsed my first Latin American drone last week, it flew right over my head- and you’ll never guess where. Because they’re so very rare down here (at least as of now) it’s amazing how Latins just go ga ga over them. So even when it comes to drones the “gringo advantage” rides again.       
JULY 2015 -LATIN AMERICAN SEMINAR NOTICE: Make your plans now for the next Latin American Expat Wisdom seminar (and get in on the early-bird discount). Just go to the main page and click on the Latin Seminar link for full details. The seminar will take place from Saturday, July 11th through Thursday July 16th, 2015.
CONSULT WITH JOHNNY- SCHEDULE A CELL OR SKYPE CALL: Follow the consult link on the main page at and Johnny will help you sort out your Latin American plans.

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