Expat Files – 05.01.15

-Today we have a disturbing email from a female public high-school English teacher(in the states) hoping beyond hope that she can last just two more years and get her pension. Then it’s get the hell out of Dodge and down to Latin America.
-It’s not Carnival time, so why are there hundreds of thousands of people marching in the streets of Brazil? Here’s a hint… the Brazilian president’s popularity is at an all-time historic low of 13%. Yes, it’s a political corruption of massive proportions (again) but this time the media and the people have solid goods on the crooks in office. The snakes won’t easily buy or squirm out of this one.
-Each year many tens of thousands of Nicaraguans immigrate illegally to Costa Rica and Panama. They easily find low-end, basic grunt work jobs working for less than crap wages. However, even as local Latins hire Nicas, take advantage of them and get away with the practice indefinitely… if a gringo hires one, look out!
-Banking and US dollar withdrawal problems are on the upswing in Latin America. Today we have the story of a Canadian citizen down in Mexico who cannot get his US dollars from the Mexican branch of his very own Canadian bank.
-The Philippines do have a solidly Latin based culture, very similar to Latin America. But note there are some disturbing differences that make it a very volatile place.
SIGN-UP FOR JOHNNY’S WEBINARS AT WWW.EXPATWISDOM.COM: Get in on live discussions and ask some questions of your own.  
JULY 2015 -LATIN AMERICAN SEMINAR NOTICE: Make your plans now for the next Latin American Expat Wisdom seminar. Just go to the www.ExpatWisdom.com main page and click on the Latin Seminar link for full details. The seminar will take place from Saturday, July 11th through Thursday July 16th, 2015.
CONSULT WITH JOHNNY- SCHEDULE A CELL OR SKYPE CALL: Follow the consult link on the main page at www.ExpatWisdom.com and Johnny will help you sort out your Latin American plans.

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