Progressive Radio Network


Expat Files - 05.26.17

#1- When new green Expats encounter Narco chieftains and their entourages: that’s the subject of today’s “boots on the ground” real-life Expat story that happened recently in an upscale Latin restaurant

#2- Can you guess the TWO favorite vehicle models overwhelmingly chosen by Narco capos and crooked Latin politicians for their day to day on the road travel? Hint?.. they both are American brands.

#3- Bulletproofing (armor plating) of vehicles is big business in Latin America. Every large Latin city has a dozen such “Blindado” shops. Its an expensive car upgrade that’s completely unnecessary for normal Latins and Expats and the shops generally have only three classes of customers: upscale Narcos, thieving government types and the lawyer’s that aid and abet the dirty deeds of said criminals and scumbags.

#4-Today’s Question: If American businessmen are known for making deals on the golf course, and very, very, few Latins golf, then where do you think many Latin business deals are consummated? If you guessed at the strip clubs, (called nightclubs here), you’d be right.

#5- Yes, I do hammer on politicians all the time and people email me about it, but  are all of them really that corrupt? Well yes, and they’re even much worse then you think. Today we have a perfect example: the new President of Brazil recently caught on audio doing a deal in order to keep someone from blabbing about a payoff.

#6-More reasons Belize is not a good long term choice for your “Plan B”

#7- Johnny’s new “Expat Essentials Course” is a blueprint for your “Plan B” and the best way kick-start your own plan before getting boots on the ground in Latin America. See the three video intros to the “Expat Essentials” course at

#8-Try the “Podcast by Phone” feature. Listen to the last FIVE Expat Files programs over the phone by dialing: 1-701-719-0893

#9- Check out my “The Expat Files” You Tube channel to see all the fun slides and photos that go along with each show. There are now more than 150 shows posted on my You Tube channel so do have a look.

#10- Set up a one-on-one personal Phone/SKYPE consult with Johnny by completing the “Plan B” consult questionnaire at

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