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#1- Are Caribbean Islands a possibility in your Plan B? Yes, there are a handful of Latin Caribbean Island countries, like the Dominican Republic, Cuba and Puerto Rico to think about, but some people are also thinking about certain non-Latin island countries too, like Jamaica, where there’s the added attraction that the natives speak English. My opinion? Forget it. It’s a bad idea and here’s why…
#2- A look at local Latin American produce markets and the local food supply. How much have mega chemical giants like Monsanto penetrated the Latin food chain? What about fertilizers, pesticides and GMOs? Where and what should we be eating once we arrive?
#3- In today’s “boots on the ground” adventure story, a surprising encounter with another Chicagoland Expat in a big Latin Hardware store. Unfortunately, he too proved to be quite clueless.
#4- MY NEXT EXPAT “INSIDER” SEMINAR will be Saturday July 8th thru Thursday July 13th 2017 in and around Guatemala, Central America. Go and click on the seminar link.
#5- Johnny’s new “Expat Essentials Course” is a blueprint for your “Plan B” and the best way kick-start your own plan before getting boots on the ground in Latin America. See the three video intros to the “Expat Essentials” course now at
# 6-Try the “Podcast by Phone” feature. Listen to the last FIVE Expat Files programs over the phone by dialing: 1-701-719-0893
#7- Check out my “The Expat Files” You Tube channel to see all the fun slides and photos that go along with each show. There are now more than 150 shows posted on my You Tube channel so have a look.
#8- Set up a one-on-one personal Phone/SKYPE consult with Johnny by completing the “Plan B” consult questionnaire at