Progressive Radio Network

Expat Files

Expat Files - 07.10.15

-Gringos, gringas and new Expats beware. If you’re driving through Latin America and find the need to stop at a hotel for the night don’t get fooled when you see very inviting hotel signs saying ”Auto- Hotel”. Even if they look nice, new, safe and secure, these places are NOT the Latin equivalent of a Budgetel or a Motel 6. Here’s the scoop…..  
-Looking in the Latin Yellow Pages, classifieds and on the internet, you’ll always see an ad or two promoting the services of a Latin P.I.- a so called Latin Private Investigator. Note these guys usually make their living doing two things; polygraph testing and chasing down upper middle-class male infidelities.
-In the past we’ve discussed mandated yellow fever vaccinations indicated for travelers to South America. We’ve seen that the written laws seem strict yet there seems to be very spotty enforcement. So today we have more on yellow fever vaccines from two clever Expats who just traveled through many of those questionable countries. We also have some very surprising and confounding yellow fever infection stats.
-Latin America and gun violence often seem to appear in the same sentence. Today we bring you some amazing statistics coming out of Latin police departments and hospital emergency rooms and show how wildly misleading they can be.  

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