-If you come down to Latin America with only a few suitcases and bags(highly recommended), you’ll eventually need a whole lot of stuff to fill up that house or apartment. So today we have some great tips on how to find the best deals and best selection of any and all new and used stuff you might need once you get down to Latin America.
-Some tips on advertising your specific “gringo” services and skills to the Latin public
-More breaking news on Latin rentista, pensionado and permanent residency programs
-Gringos and upscale Latins are beginning to use Amazon.com quite a lot. They need it for that odd 1% of items they can’t get when down here like for example certain vitamins and supplements. So far so good. You can order stuff online no problem but then how does it get down to Latin America and how cheap/expensive is the shipping? Here’s the scoop on that.
-Ecuador has just passed some heavy import taxes hitting gringos and expats who order online and have things shipped things down from eBay or Amazon.com. But since this is Latin America there are always a few ways around it.
-Argentina now has 50% year over year real inflation. It’s on the edge of another economic collapse. Here’s the latest news….
Follow the consult link on the main page at www.ExpatWisdom.com and Johnny will help you sort out your Latin American plans.