Progressive Radio Network


Expat Files - 09.17.17

#1- Latin driving tips:
What to watch out for and what NOT to do- or, how to kill a nice new vehicle in three easy steps.
#2- Buying a used car in Latin America: things you certainly would never have considered, along with my own best and worst vehicle recommendations for Latin American driving.
#3- Car dealership vehicle warranties and guarantees in Latin America. Yes they actually exist and are mostly honored by sellers(sometimes). But there are some important caveats you should be aware of.  
#4- When Expats have motorcycles: no its not recommended but some gringos still buy and use them. Yet another strange but true “boots on the ground” story.
#5- More surprising news about vaccines in Latin America: this is a truly amazing “boots on the ground” story
#6- Sign up for Johnny Mueller’s Latin American “Expat Insider” Seminar. The next one will take place in and around Guatemala, Central America on Sat, January 6th through Thurs, January 11th  2018. Get on the earlybird list and signup, details at
# 7- Johnny’s new “Expat Essentials Course” is a blueprint for your “Plan B” and the best way kick-start your plan before getting boots on the ground in Latin America. See the three video intros to the course now at 
#8- Check out my “The Expat Files” You Tube channel. See all the fun slides and photos that go along with each show. There are now more than 150 shows posted on my YouTube channel so have a look.
#9- Set up a one-on-one personal Phone/SKYPE consult with Johnny by first downloading the “Plan B” consult/questionnaire at