#1- There has been a striking absence of political correctness, big brother influence, social justice warrior types and so-called snowflakes here in Latin America-excepting in certain gringoized tourist areas and public Latin university campuses. Because Latin America is a macho society, the culture is a good 25 years behind when it comes to political correctness of any kind. Funny thing though, most expats find they can get along pretty well in that sort time machine…
#2- People are always asking me to reveal a thing or two about my own past USA history, so today we’ll feature a short “boots on the ground” Johnny Mueller Chicagoland story that will certainly surprise you.
#3- If you are a half way decent observer of human nature you can’t help but notice that the majority of wealthy Latins have more than a few exceedingly bad habits, not the least of which is that they live far beyond their means (sound familiar?)and mostly paycheck to paycheck. Its all in the name of perpetuating a kind of “keeping up with the Jones’s” on steroids, meanwhile the Jones’s can’t keep up either. Because showing off costs a lot of dough, they are forever late and often months behind in their basic payment obligations including utilities bills and workers salaries. There’s an old saying “poor folks have poor habits”, but here in Latin America that applies across the board
#4- Sign up for Johnny Mueller’s Latin American “Expat Insider” Seminar. The next one will take place on Sat, January 6th through Thurs, January 11th 2018. Get on the earlybird list and get the info signup details by emailing Johnny at: th***********@gm***.com or visiting www.TheNewExpat.com
# 5- Johnny’s new “Expat Essentials Course” is a “Plan B”blueprint and the best way kick-start your plans before getting your own boots on the ground in here in Latin America. See my video intro to the course now at www.ExpatPlanB.com
#6- Check out my “The Expat Files” You Tube channel. See all the fun slides and photos that go along with each show. There are now more than 150 shows posted on my YouTube channel so have a look.
#7- Set up a one-on-one personal Phone/SKYPE consult with Johnny by first downloading the “Plan B” consult/questionnaire at www.TheNewExpat.com