Progressive Radio Network

Expat Files

Expat Files - 11.04.16

#1- Short term rentals and Air B&B’s in Latin America Part 2:

#2- Discussing the hundreds of Latin herbal and natural medicines and the product claims:

#3- Latin American Health Departments and a thing called ‘cuello”

#4- The Spanish language has about 1/3 less descriptive words than the English language but the Latins (much like Italians )make up for it with  hand gestures and body language. Today we have some examples…

#5-No prescriptions are necessary at most Latin American drug stores. With such easy drug availability, why aren’t the Latin masses addicted to what we call “schedule” prescription drugs? Well, they just aren’t and that flies in the face of conventional wisdom.

#6 -Venezuela- more crazy stories just now leaking out.

#7 More reasons why Argentina is not recommend as a permanent Plan B destination: Today’s “boots on the ground” story highlights that country’s currency controls in action and why we all should own physical gold and/or silver and take physical possession wherever we are.

#8- Johnny’s next (and perhaps final) “Expat Insider” Plan ‘B’ Seminar will take place on Saturday, January 7th thru Thursday, January 12th , 2017. Send an email to th***********@gm***.com or click on this link:
Attendance will be very limited so act now.

#9. Announcing the new “Podcast by Phone” feature. You now have a way to listen to the last FIVE Expat Files programs over the phone rather than downloading or streaming from the PRN archives or other sources. The phone number for this free service is: 1-701-719-0893

#10- Check out Johnny’s new “Expat Essentials Course” designed for people contemplating their own Plan “B” but can’t quite manage to get “boots on the ground”. It may be the best way to get started on your Plan “B” and the next best thing to coming down yourself. Go to for the three video intros to my new “Expat Essentials” course.

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