-Today we have some eyewitness stories concerning thoroughly BAD gringos who’ve come down to Latin America to practice their perversions. Unfortunately, what makes Latin America good for us freedom lovers-those chaotic, weak, lazy, inefficient governments- also allows the few bad first-world apples that do make it down here to get away with murder.
-A discussion about gringos with good, solid US university degrees of value (no psychology, business, art or drama degrees, please) who hope to use those skills to get jobs in their particular career or field in Latin America. Once they come down, what are the job prospects?
-A few stories to illustrate other aspects of the “gringo advantage”. This time we have examples of how Latins constantly hit on Gringo for jobs. They assume we all must have thriving businesses and are hiring…
-Observing Latin holidays with strange customs like eating “Pan de Muerto” which literally translates to “bread for the dead”. Yes, Latins traditionally eat “dead bread” on Nov 1st and Nov 2nd. What’s that all about… is it safe?
-Visit me Johnny (and Expat super-blogger John Galt) at our new joint website www.TheNewExpat.com . Its where you’ll get real “boots on the ground” info, experienced expat blogs and reports. It’s a work in progress so please be patient. We’re continually improving and expanding the format.
–Be sure to check out my “Expat Files” YouTube channel and be a subscriber
At www.TheNewExpat.com we have a new feature: a blog written by a very trusted Latin lawyer friend and colleague (with great credentials). He will be blogging regularly from Central America touching on everything you want to know about Latin Legal issues such as residency, passports, contracts, S.A. corporations, banking, Trusts, courts, lawsuits, and much more. He’ll stress all manner of Latin Legal issues as they pertain to Expats. Better yet, you’ll be able to contact our Lawyer and email him your own legal questions too…
-Johnny’s Jan 2016, LATIN AMERICAN “Boots on the ground” SEMINAR: the next Latin American “Insider” Seminar will begin Sat, Jan 9 thru Thurs, Jan 14th. Just go to www.TheNewExpat.comand click on the Latin Seminar link, or paste this link below into your browser:
CONSULT WITH JOHNNY- SCHEDULE A CELL OR SKYPE CALL: Would you like a 1 on 1 personal Skype or phone consult with me? Set up a time when we can talk and sort out your own specific Latin American plans. Just put the word “CONSULT” in the subject line and send a short list of your questions and talking points to: th***********@gm***.com