Progressive Radio Network


Expat Files - 11.19.17

#1- When Gringos and Expats kick the bucket in Latin America- Part 2:
Dying, funerals and burial insurance are all very inexpensive in Latin America. Insurance is about $3 a month for individual coverage and they take care of EVERYTHING. Plus there’s a death benefit that will cover he extras like a decent plot and casket. But wait a minute. If funerals in Latin America are so very cheap at half or less USA costs, why not just skip insurance and pay out of pocket? Well, Latinos have different rules and customs about death, dying, burials, rituals etc., and besides, all the paperwork details and arrangements are in Spanish. That’s why it’s not a bad idea to drop $3 a month, get a policy and let the insurer take the ball and hold your hand through the process. Gringo survivors will be ever so glad you did.

#2- The idiosyncrasies of Latin oligarch families and traditional power brokers:
Not only are most of the top dozen or so families not very nice people, but many of their offspring are do-nothing morons gliding through life with the dumb luck of having been born with a well respected (and often feared) surname. However as a gringo you cut through the Latin class system like butter and therefore may get invited to the parties of the hoi-polloi. If so you can sit back, watch the show and silently make fun of them, like I do…

#3- Did you know that only certain banks in each Latin country transfer and receive the millions of dollars in in remissas- mostly coming from Latins living and working illegally in the USA? Now these very banks are offering a new kind of life insurance product. Its aimed mostly at illegals sending dough back home from up in the states. Today we explain it all in this somewhat unbelievable “boots on the ground” story.

#4- For a limited time you can get a free copy of Jack Brett’s newly updated “FAST SPANISH” second edition 100+ page pdf book by going to:

#5- Sign up for Johnny Mueller’s Latin American “Expat Insider” Seminar. The next one will take place on Sat, January 6th  through Thurs, January 11th  2018. Get on the earlybird list and get the info signup details by emailing Johnny at: th***********@gm***.com

# 6- Johnny’s new “Expat Essentials Course” is a “Plan B”blueprint and the best way kick-start your plans before getting your own boots on the ground in here in Latin America. See my video intro to the course now at

#7- Check out my “The Expat Files” You Tube channel. See all the fun slides and photos that go along with each show. There are now more than 150 shows posted on my YouTube channel so have a look.

#8- Set up a one-on-one personal Phone/SKYPE consult with Johnny by first downloading the “Plan B” consult/questionnaire at

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