Progressive Radio Network


Expat Files - 12.15.17

#1- How gringos and Expats in Latin America are making money in the cryptocurrency space.
Today we discuss just how even here in Latin America certain gringos and expats are making making good dough with multiple cryptocurrency projects. Some are making money by becoming bitcoin and crypto- currency miners and its not all that hard or technical. In fact, at the January “Expat Insider” seminar we will be featuring the famous Bitcoin Dan as well as “Expat Oscar”, a real-live cryptocurrency miner who’s making good money right now as we speak with his hardware cranking out crypto coins in his little Latin condo complex 24/7. Yes, he knows the ropes in a field that seems both mysterious and virtually unknown to the average  person but man does he have some good news for expats who want to make some money and get in on the act!
#2 – A listener, expat “Insider Seminar” seminar attendee and Bicoin investor tells a few personal stories to backup why he is convinced that most females are generally what he calls,“bitcoin adverse.”
#3-A very green gringo, never out of the states before, hits the low budget (but not backpacker) trail completely on his own and lives to tell about it!
At first he encounters a huge culture shockand nearly throws in the towel only to find he came to the right place after all. In today’s “boots on the ground” story we see how a gringo can pay $160 a month rent and get a million (no billion) dollar view.
#5- Get “FAST SPANISH” second edition free! For a limited time you can get a copy of Jack Brett’s newly updated 100+ page pdf book by going to:
#6- Sign up for Johnny Mueller’s Latin American “Expat Insider” Seminar. The next one will take place on Sat, January 6th  through Thurs, January 11th  2018. Get on the earlybird list and get the info signup details by emailing Johnny at: th***********@gm***.com
#7- Set up a one-on-one personal Phone/SKYPE consult with Johnny by first downloading the “Plan B” consult/questionnaire at
#8- Check out my “The Expat Files” You Tube channel. See all the fun slides and photos that go along with each show. There are now more than 150 shows posted on my YouTube channel so have a look.