Progressive Radio Network

Fearless Parent Radio

Fearless Parent - 12.28.16

#101 — The Power of Pussy and Sister Goddess Activism ** December 28, 2016
Guest // Laura Brayton, DC ** Host // Louise Kuo Habakus

We’re ending 2016 with a bang and kicking off the new year with a gift to our sisterhood of women (and the men who love us). it’s time to take back what’s rightfully ours, the full responsibility and embodiment of our radiance, our power, and our joy. Mother Earth has been waiting for us. She knows it is the divine feminine that creates, gives, and protects life.

Laura has been patiently asking to do a podcast with me. As much as I love connecting with our tribe of holistic healers, I just wasn’t so jazzed about doing another empowered mama wellness talk. But, I admitted, I did have a twinkle in my eye about something. I had just finished reading Pussy by Regena Thomashauer. Was she willing to go there? Laura was game. And I knew we were going to have some fun.

This book is, imo, required reading for all women. The title is the portal and the message inside is even more provocative and revolutionary. Mama Gena has a recipe for true healing for what ails us. Heal the women, heal the world:

  • What does the shame around this word, pussy and her sister the C- word, have to do with the reasons we push away compliments, play small, don’t ask, and keep a lid on it in a world where we feel worried and wrong?
  • Who is the Goddess, the powerful woman?
  • Why does Thomashauer say our truth is present when we know desire?
  • What does it matter if our culture does not honor grief, and her kinswomen: rage, longing, jealousy, frustration? What happens when we don’t feel our feelings?
  • Women no longer need to trade sex for food. We are breadwinners and supermoms. Congresswomen and CEOs. Our partners are more egalitarian than ever with housework and childcare. So what’s wrong?

Mama Gena has lots of homework assignments. Laura and I will do some of them together, on the air. Through our discussion, you’ll get to know this passionate and brave healer.

Laura Brayton, DC is a holistic chiropractor, author, and educator who’s passionate about healthy families. She is certified in chiropractic pediatrics, Webster Technique for breech presentation, Sacro-Occiptal Technique, and is an advanced practitioner of Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET). Laura is a BioEnergetic practitioner utilizing Applied Kinesiology to “eavesdrop” into the body and determine its current needs for health. Check out her popular podcast “Well Adjusted Mama” and her websites and







Louise Kuo Habakus is the founding director of Fearless Parent™ and lead host and producer of Fearless Parent Radio™. She is a bestelling author; runs two non-profits, Center for Personal Rights and Health Freedom Action; lectures widely; and has appeared in numerous media outlets, including ABC World News Tonight, Fox & Friends, and The New York Times. Louise was a Bain consultant and a C-level executive in the financial services industry. She holds two degrees from Stanford University. Louise is on the board of Focus for Health Foundation, and the advisory boards of GreenMedInfoThe Documenting Hope Project, and SHE Living TV. She is a certified KRI Kundalini Yoga teacher and the mother of two.



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