Progressive Radio Network

Fearless Parent Radio

Fearless Parent Radio – HPV Vaccination Whistleblower – 01.27.16

Since the HPV vaccine was introduced to the public in 2006, it has been surrounded in controversy:

Time to add another bullet point to the above list…

On January 14, 2016, the activist blog SaneVax revealed the details of an open letter sent by Sin Hang Lee, MD to the World Health Organization claiming “manipulation of data and suppression of science in order to maintain the illusion of HPV vaccine safety in the face of valid contradictory evidence.”

Valerie Borek, Esq interviews SaneVax chief Norma Erickson about the stunning allegations:

  • Who is Dr. Lee and why/how is he in a position to make these statements?
  • What, exactly, did he say?
  • What are the policy implications of this announcement?
  • What has been the response of medical and government authorities?
  • Is the HPV vaccine safe? What should parents do?

norma erickson headshotNorma Erickson, President of Sane Vax, Inc., was an average citizen working as an independent business consultant and freelance author before she became aware of the number of people experiencing reported adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine. In 2010 she established SaneVax as a direct response to the worldwide devastation left in the wake of HPV vaccination programs. The SaneVax team believes no vaccine should be approved for public use without first being proven Safe, Affordable, Necessary and Effective.



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