When she was told that her 20-month-old son had autism, Andrea Libutti MD was devastated. Therapists said he would never communicate with others, nor would he ever form meaningful relationships. Still, Andrea refused to accept that dim prognosis and instead embarked on a years-long journey of discovery and healing.
Using her position as a physician to gain access to a variety of specialists, she explored every promising biomedical and behavioral therapy.
Eventually, she came to see that we must consider autism not just from a physical perspective but from an emotional and spiritual one as well. In Awakened by Autism, Andrea distills the results of the research she undertook and relays her personal experiences as she tried one treatment after another in search of a way to help her son.
From the interview you will learn:
- The multifactorial nature of autism and the problems inherent in how many health-care professionals view the disorder.
- How each child has unique needs and requires a personalized plan for healing.
- How changing our beliefs about the possibilities for those with autism allows us to uncover their hidden brilliance, while taking steps to improve their well-being.
- What she learned from her many intriguing interviews with shamans, energy healers, homeopaths, and educators from her “Awaken to Autism” webinar which aired just a few weeks ago.
Andrea Libutti, MD is a board-certified emergency medicine physician and spent several years in private practice treating children with autism from a mind-body-spirit perspective. Her book Awakened by Autism (Hay House, April 2015) is a culmination of her extensive knowledge and a guide for viewing autism from a new mindset. Her greatest hope is to empower families to embrace their special children with love and acceptance, while taking useful action to restore their well-being. Her own son with autism has been her greatest teacher.
Mary Coyle, DIHom is a homeopath with extensive training in homotoxicology and German Biological Medicine. She is the director of the Real Child Centerin New York City. Homotoxicology utilizes cellular drainage, nutrition, and time-tested homeopathic techniques to stimulate the self-healing mechanism in your child. It is a therapy geared to enable your child to move to the next level of health. Mary writes and speaks about detoxification at the cellular level. She is a contributing author of Cutting Edge Therapies for Autism (Skyhorse,
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