Progressive Radio Network

Fearless Parent Radio

Fearless Parent Radio – Sublingual Immunotherapy for Allergies - 08.05.15

Guest // Lawrence Caprio, ND

Host // Mary Coyle, DIHom

Childhood illness has changed so much since the early 20th century. Mortality rates are down markedly, and that’s a good thing. But we seem to have traded infectious disease for chronic illness.

Some of most common afflictions affecting so many children are allergies — food, environmental, and idiopathic in origin. Parents and clinicians alike are bewildered. Why are kids so darn red and itchy, bumpy and rashy anyway? Debating the causes doesn’t get us far. We’re more concerned about relief.

  • What happens if you don’t treat allergies?
  • What are the most effective allergy treatments?
  • What’s the relationship between allergy symptoms and chronic illness?
  • What’s possible for children when allergy treatment is effective?

Lawrence Caprio, ND recognized early in his career the importance of allergy treatment as an effective adjunct to the management of the majority of chronic degenerative diseases seen in medical practice today. Subsequently, he was among the first to pioneer the Interro System of computerized testing developed in Provo, Utah and the science of ‘phenolic food compounds’ researched by Dr. Robert Gardiner at Brigham Young University. Dr. Caprio successfully integrated these modalities and developed a uniquely effective system of non-invasive allergy testing and sublingual immunotherapy which he currently uses. This system of computerized non-invasive electrodermal testing and optimal dose sub-lingual immunotherapy allows for the safe, rapid desensitization of acute allergy symptoms, as well as the effective long term management of chronic allergic problems. Dr Caprio attended the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon, where he obtained his degree in 1979. Since that time, he has built a successful 35+ year practice of Naturopathic and Preventive Medicine in Westport, CT. He treats patients worldwide.

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