Progressive Radio Network

Fearless Parent Radio

Fearless Parent Radio – Which Nutritional Supplements Are Right For Me? – 04.13.16

Guest // Tieraona Low Dog, MD

Host //  Maya Shetreat-Klein, MD

We are constantly bombarded by mixed messages that a given nutritional supplement is good for us one day, and the next day it’s not. With more than 30,000 dietary supplements in the marketplace and new studies coming out every day, it’s no wonder we all feel confused and overwhelmed.

Dr. Tieraona Low Dog has a masterful command of this science, which she brilliantly lays out in her new book, Fortify Your Life. Listen to her share her wisdom and hear her recommendations for using food and supplements to meet your nutritional needs:

  • Which common nutrient depletions are of particular concern for women, especially during pregnancy?
  • What nutrients do babies need that they might not be getting from your breast milk and that are not in your prenatal vitamin?
  • What nutrient-dense foods are you avoiding that could protect your body and brain?
  • How nutritional deficits in children can impact behavior, attention and intelligence quotient.

tieraona low dog headshot cropTieraona Low Dog, MD is an internationally recognized expert in dietary supplements and integrative medicine. In addition to her many years as a clinician and educator, she has been involved in national health policy and regulatory issues, serving on advisory panels for the White House and the U.S. National Institutes of Health and chairing two committees on dietary supplements for the U.S. Pharmacopeia. She is the author of Healthy at Home, Life is Your Best Medicine, and Guide to Medicinal Herbs. Learn more at or follow her on Twitter @Lowdogmd.



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