Progressive Radio Network

It's All About Food

It's All About Food - Guest: Stacey Murphy, Grow Your Own Vegetables - 08.23.17

Part I: Stacey Murphy, Grow Your Own Vegetables
Stacey-MurphyStacey Murphy has helped thousands of new gardeners from 6 continents grow vegetables and herbs in small spaces, so they can enjoy fresh, affordable vegetables while creating a more sustainable future. She walks eager growers through her holistic garden system, showing what to grow, when and where. Stacey is a garden geek, growing food since 1979, and her superpower is packing, literally, tons of food into tight spaces. Dozens of her students who have trained at her backyard urban farm in Brooklyn have gone on to start their own homesteads, gardens & farms. Featured on Martha Stewart Radio and PBS’s Growing a Greener World, Stacey believes growing food organically is the best health plan for people, communities, and the earth. You can find her at and don’t forget to sign up to receive her best gardening tips and strategies




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