Progressive Radio Network

It's All About Food

It's All About Food - Robert Grillo, Canned Pheasant Hunting - 05.08.18

Part 1: Caryn Hartglass, Costa Rica Travel, Food Myths
Caryn discusses her experience with food while traveling all around Costa Rica. She gives a summary of the most popular questions of people interested in healthy diets, as asked in the recent Food Revolution Summit.






Part 2. Robert Grillo, Canned Pheasant Hunting
Robert Grillo is President and Director of Free From Harm. He has 20 years of experience in the field of branding, design and communications. He is Free from Harm’s founder and director since 2009. He also acts as editor of the website and contributes regular articles.

Robert Grillo is the director of Free from Harm which he founded in 2009 to advocate on behalf of farmed animals. As an activist, author and speaker, Grillo focuses awareness on the non human animal’s experience and point of view, drawing on insights from sociology, psychology, popular culture, ethics and social justice to bridge the gap between humans and other animals. As a marketing communications professional for over 20 years, Grillo has worked on big food industry brands where he acquired a behind-the-scenes perspective on food branding and marketing. His is the author of Farm to Fable: The Fictions of Our Animal Consuming Culture, which reveals how popular culture conditions us to consume animal products and how a better understanding of these fictions can empower us to help them, ourselves and the planet The book is the basis of his keynote presentation of the same name.

Here is Robert’s article on canned pheasant hunting published on Alternet.


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