Progressive Radio Network


Future Predictions for 2017-2045

It is estimated that the doubling time of medical knowledge in 1950 was 50 years; in 1980, 7 years; and in 2010, 3.5 years. In 2020 it is projected to be 0.2 years—just 73 days. Computer power is doubling every 18 months, so massive increases in scope and scale. Once nanotechnology and nano circuitry, stem cells, and genetic engineering, come on board, the world as we know it will be unrecognizable. Get ready for the first complete synthetic human brain, moon mining, chips implanted in our brains, self-driving cars, trucks and planes, robotic moon bases and maybe even high-speed rail linking London to Beijing.

The most popular movie super heroes demonstrate cellular regeneration like ‘Wolverine’ allowing mutations to enable rapid cellular repair & healing achieving Immortality, or Captain America in 1942 using Hormone Therapy/Steroid Augmentation to become an athletic Super Hero and with Cryonics/suspended animation freezing him into the 21st century. This Brave New World is coming into being faster than we imagined. To have the great jobs and careers of the future, you must embrace and see it before it arrives.

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