Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show - 01.12.18

Human rights and bioethic violations of mandatory vaccination

Kevin Barry is a former federal attorney in civil law and currently the co-President of the Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy and the president of First Freedoms INc, a non profit organization dedicated to advancing the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution’s First Amendment. Earlier he was the president of Jenny McCarthy’s organization Generation Rescue.  Kevin has three sons, one with autism.  He is also the author of “Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC”  with a preface by Boyd Haley and forward by Bobby Kennedy Jr. which for the first time provides the transcripts of the conversations between the CDC scientist and whistleblower William Thompson and Prof. Brian Hooker.  Barry is currently legally challenging the Italian government’s recent ruling that will make vaccination mandatory.  His website is FIRSTFREEDOMS.ORG 


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