The Gary Null Show – 02.07.17

Today On The Gary Null Show Gary opens up the program with the latest in health and healing. Before heading to his guest Gary plays an audio clip on the state of the mainstream media.

Gary’s Guest:

the scientific basis for EM radiation risks from cell towers, Wifi, and smart meters. An Senate two bills favoring the telecom and surveillance industries that will endanger people’s health

Deborah Kopald is an environmental consultant to physicians and attorneys on environmental related illnesses and has developed and overseen for the passage of legislative initiatives to protect the public from on cell tower radiation and wireless technologies. She is regarded as a lay-expert in non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, and is an advisor on telecommunication policies particularly with Wi-Fi technology and the environmental and health risks these technologies pose on citizens. Deborah is a Review Editor in the Radiation and Health section of the journal Reviews on Environmental Health and holds a degree from Harvard in economic politics and an MBA from MIT’s Sloan School of Management. 

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