Progressive Radio Network


The Gary Null Show - 02.08.18

The epidemic of childhood illnesses due to our agrichemical food industry

 Dr. Michelle Perro is a veteran pediatrician having been in practice for over 35 years in acute and integrative medicine.  During the past decade, her clinical practice has dealt more with pesticide and food health advocacy.  Recently she has become an important voice warning the public about GMO foods and food toxins, pesticides and their health risks.  Michelle has been both a director and physician at New York’s Metropolitan Hospital and University of California San Franciso’s Childrens Hopsital in Oakland. She ran Down to Earth Pediatrics, a holistic urgent care clinic for children and more recently is an integrative physician at the Institute for Health and Healing at Sutter Pacific Medical Center in Sacramento.  She is the author of a new and important book, co-written with Dr. Vincanne Adams, a professor of medical anthropology at the University of California at San Francisco entitled “What’s Making Our Children Sick” which explores the links between GM foods, glyphosate or Roundup, and gut disorders with the serious epidemic of chronic illnesses.  Her website and more information can be found at


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