Dr. Bob Sears is a board certified pediatrician practicing in Orange County, California and the co founder of the Immunity Education Group — a non profit organization comprised of health professionals from medical schools and clinics who are dedicated to educating parents and the larger public about vaccines and infectious diseases, in addition to ways to increase immunity and improve health in children and adults. He also hosts the podcast “The Vaccine Conversation.” Dr. Sears is a graduate of Georgetown University School of Medicine and trained at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Much of Dr. Sears’ current efforts is to oppose mandatory vaccination policies, particularly in his state of California which now have the strictest laws in the nation. His organization’s website is ImmunityEducationGroup.org
Representative Jack Hennessy represents the 127th district, covering north Bridgeport, in the Connecticut General Assembly and serves as the state’s House Deputy Speaker. He is also an alternative health practitioner who has been advocating policies to protect non-conventional medical practice, to promote arguments for universal healthcare, and environmental justice. On two occasions Rep Hennessy has been commended by the Department of Defense for his policies in Connecticut to improve the lives of veterans and their families. Jack is a former US Army sergeant of a Ranger battalion, holds a degree from Boston College and is a licensed massage therapist and Reiki master. He strongly opposes mandatory vaccination and is currently spearheading the efforts to preserve religious vaccine exemption ain the state of Connecticut, which is now under attack as in many other states at the moment.
Kevin Barry is a former federal attorney in civil law at the US Attorney’s Southern District of NY office and currently the president of First Freedoms Inc, a non profit organization dedicated to advancing the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution’s First Amendment. He is also a representative of an NGO advancing global health and environmental literacy to the United Nation. Earlier Kevin was the president of Jenny McCarthy’s organization Generation Rescue. He has three sons, one with autism. He is also the author of “Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC” with a preface by Boyd Haley and forward by Bobby Kennedy Jr. The book provides the real transcripts of conversations between the CDC scientist and whistleblower William Thompson and Prof. Brian Hooker about CDC corruption and cover-ups over vaccine safety. His website is FirstFreedoms.org