The US as a Drug Culture and public health policies to solve this problem
Dr. Steven Jonas is a professor emeritus of preventive medicine at Stony Brook University, where he has taught since 1971, and the author and editor of 35 books and numerous articles in academic journals and alternative news sites including OpedNews and the Greanville Post, addressing national health policies and wellness, sports and politics. He is also a contributing editor of The Political Junkies for Progressive Democracy Magazine and has been critiquing the Democratic Party for several decades. Among his books are The 15% Solution: A Political HIstory of American Fasicism and The New Americanism, with a foreward by Senator George McGovern. Dr Jonas’ most recent book looks at the failure of the the war on drugs — “End the Drug War, Solving the Problem: The Public Health Approach”. He holds graduate degrees from Harvard and Yale Medical Schools and from the Wagner School at New York University.Â