Progressive Radio Network


The Gary Null Show - 03.20.18

The triumph and dominance of fear in America and its long term consequences. 
Sasha Abramsky is a freelance journalist and author educated at Oxford and Columbia universities and is a senior fellow specializing in inequality, poverty and incarceration and the criminal justice system at the nonpartisan think tank Demos in New York City.  Sasha is a regular contributor to The Nation, has written for  Atlantic Monthly, Salon, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone and others.  He is the author several books, including “Inside Obama’s Brain” and “The American Way of Poverty,” which was included on New York Times 100 notable books of the year.   His most recent is “Jumping at Shadows: The Triumph of Fear and the End of the American Dream” which takes a hard look at the forces behind fear that increasingly dominates our society and government.  His website is