Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show – 04.10.17

Assessing conditions in Syria and the long term repercussions of US military intervention to remove Assad

Charles Glass is an American-British journalist and broadcaster who is highly respected internationally for his investigative reporting from the Middle East.  For a decade starting in 1983, he was ABC’s chief Middle East correspondent and worked with CNN and ABC as well. His articles appear in the Guardian, Time, The Telegraph, Harpers Newsweek and other publications.  in 1987, while reporting from Lebanon  Charles was kidnapped and held hostage by Shi’a militants for over 2 months.  He broke the story of Saddam Hussain possessing biological weapons a year later. His covert reporting in East Timor in 1992 resulted in the US Senate suspending military aid to Indonesia.  He has reported from Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq on many occasions.  Charles is the author of seven books, his most recent being a very concise history and background into the Syrian crisis entitled “Syria Burning: A Short History of a Catastrophe.”  His website is

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